About us: Sabrina Gangini - MARKETING DIRECTOR - HT-Cooling Srl | HT-Cooling

8 October 2024

About us: Sabrina Gangini – MARKETING DIRECTOR – HT-Cooling Srl

The advertising campaign for this new synergy says, “YES, IT’S TRUE”: a disruptive message. What value does this collaboration bring to HT-Cooling’s current and potential customers?
We aimed for a message that was clear and direct because we wanted to maintain the clarity and transparency that has characterized HT-Cooling since its foundation, just two years ago. My predecessor did an excellent job in this regard, which I fully support. We are simply communicating what is happening, without filters. If telling the truth is disruptive, then we undoubtedly are.

How will the entry of Galletti Group influence HT-Cooling’s market positioning strategy?
Anyone familiar with the cooling market knows the Galletti Group, whose long history speaks for itself. With Galletti we share the approach to the market so, despite having different objectives, we
immediately found ourselves aligned on the guidelines. Obviously, for a company of HT-Cooling’s size, being able to count on the support of a company of this type is certainly a benefit and I would say that rather than increasing, it enriches the value of our positioning on the market.

What values will be important to communicate?
Joining the group does not change the quality and content of our value proposition. In fact, it enhances them. We will continue to emphasize the importance of dialogue and listening, which, combined with the experience and know-how of our technical and sales staff, have proven to be winning arguments in the market. We clearly understand who we are and who we can become, especially now with a group like Galletti by our side.

If you had to choose a song to express this new step, what would it be?
Definitely «We will rock you» by Queen. An energetic song born because Queen first understood the importance of people involvement to turn a concert into an event where audience is almost more central than the performers. A point of view we share.