La Marca Intelligente | HT-Cooling

5 November 2024

La Marca Intelligente

On past October 25th, in the wonderful setting of Villa Corner della Regina in Cavasagra, we attended the event “La #marca #intelligente” organized by Federico Frasson of Fkdesign, during which we talked about #Marca and how communication must commit to maintaining its identity, increasing its #relevance and preserving its #coherence.

Sabrina Gangini, Marketing Director, talked about the growth and evolution of HT-COOLING Srl and described the values that characterize the company and the relationships it maintains with its customers, partners and suppliers, underlining the centrality of listening, knowledge and transparency and how these values are real and solid guidelines in all company processes.

#htcooling #fkdesign #MarcaIntelligente #brand